White marble
是指颜色洁白的细颗粒的大理石,洁白脂润,坚硬细腻,是上等的建筑和雕刻材料。主要成分为碳酸钙。传说从汉代就开始应用于雕刻和建筑,所以叫汉白玉。其实还有一种通俗的说法,汉白玉三个字说出了它的特征:“汉” 应为“汗”,是说汉白玉并不是洁白无瑕的,而是隐含着浅浅的纹路,好像人出汗的印记一样,“白”是指它的颜色要白的刺眼,“玉”指它莹润有光泽,微微透光有玉感。
It refers to the fine-grained marble with white color. It is white, greasy, hard and delicate. It is a first-class building and carving material. The main component is calcium carbonate. It is said that it has been used in sculpture and architecture since the Han Dynasty, so it is called white marble. In fact, there is also a popular saying that the three words of white marble say its characteristics: "Han" should be "sweat", which means that white marble is not white and flawless, but implies shallow lines, just like the mark of human sweating. "White" means that its color should be white and dazzling, "jade" means that it is bright, shiny, slightly transparent and jade.